Timber Tale
2,5D horror game with an experimental control input.

Horror game/ Experimental game


Game designer / Programmer

Timber tale is a horror experience aimed to fight with the players feeling of loneliness.
Alone and desperate – wooden girl is left in a workshop. Destined to die he escapes his creator and executioner leaving his hand as a false trace. Now she has to reach the exit. The only thing that is standing between him and freedom is rooms full of saws and fears.

The base emotion of the concept is loneliness and the child's fears: "Will this end?"
Horror game/ Experimental game
Experimental controller
Completely self made controller. Based on wooden art hand and Makey Makey technology.
Indirect control
All players input are non direct in the game. You have to accommodate to the non classical player control in the game.

Feelings management
Little girl is unstable and every interaction raises the noxious level. By passing limits of the stress level you may loose control at the important moment.
Timber Tale
Gameplay teaser
Experimental controller
Escapist is a story-driven experience with completely self made controller input.
Wooden hand
HTC Vive camera Output is used as a material in the scene.

This allows to connect player reality with a virtual one and gives more depth to the game level and narrative.
Development process
Initial idea
Can we create another level of communication that is beneficial for the gameplay? It can be solve by creating custom controller to merge realities.
First concept
Using wooden hand and Makey Makey set up create a game experience that embraces the connection between the main character and the player.
Task management
Development of the game core with
a whole team, the conceptual creation of the game through sketches, character/world building and main mechanics programming.
First builds
Creation of prototypes including developed graphics assets and mechanics separately, so they can be stored and used as templates lately. Active testing and bug searching.
Bug fixing
Solving bug problems that were found and twitching mechanics. Combining mechanics in one solid build.
Alpha build testing
Testing of a solid project, finding incompatibilities of mechanics and perception borders.
Final build
Cutting down and polishing followed by optimisation of the build. Small twitched followed by a final testing.
Next step
Building more levels and creating more interaction with a developed mechanic.
Creating a deeper story progression.
Daniil Khokhonov
Game design/Programming

Cologne, Germany
Made on